The Skull of a Fallen Roman Legionnaire: A 2,100-Year-Old Testament of the Gallic Wars

The Skull of a Fallen Roman Legionnaire: A 2,100-Year-Old Testament of the Gallic Wars

The skull of a Roman soldier who was killed in battle around 52 BC during the Gallic Wars has been found along with some Roman coins and military equipment in France, and is kept in the Museo Roscen, in the city of Nono in the province of Cordoba, in Argentina. which has over 18 interesting artifacts from around the globe.

The skull in question was found pierced with a weapon that appears to be the tip of a lance, which had entered the ear on the right side and had penetrated the opposite side, i.e. the left side of the skull, in the part behind the tibia, above left ear. In all likelihood, the soldier’s skull had been pierced by a celt with a furious shot, as the tip of the spear had pierced the hard bones of the skull and was stuck inside it, Koha Ditore writes today.

Ancient Gaul, in whose territory the skull was found, mainly included the region between the Rhine River, the Alps, the Mediterranean Sea, the Pyrenees and the Atlantic Ocean, in which today France, Northern Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, a part of Switzerland and the part of Germany along the Rhine River. Julius Caesar and Gaul The Gauls were first mentioned in the Iron Age (50th century BC) and remained dominant in this region until the time of the Roman conquest after the end of the Gallic Wars in XNUMX BC.

Before the Roman conquest, Gaul had been inhabited by numerous Celtic tribes, whom the Romans called Gauls, and thus history records various ancient ancient Celtic tribes in this region, such as: Helvetii, Germans, Britons, Spaniards, the Suebi, the Nervi and other groups of tribes, who at first were ruled by kingdoms and later by “serfs”, leaders who were elected for a one-year term. In these tribes, a special place in society was occupied by the “druids” (priests, magicians, but also judges), who had an important role and great influence in all spheres of life.

The Romans had begun the conquest of Gaul as early as 121 BC, while Julius Caesar with the Roman army and the help of local allies had finally conquered Gaul after an eight-year period of wars from 58 to 50 BC and had described the arduous (in which 120.000 Roman soldiers took part against 3 million Gallic warriors) and bloody wars against the Gallic tribes (in which 10.000 Roman soldiers and over a million Gallic warriors and civilians were killed) in his work ” Commentarii de Bello Gallico” (Commentaries on the Gallic War) in eight volumes (one volume for each war year, of which the eighth volume was written by one of his officers, Aulus Hirtius).