The beloved Space Jam franchise returns in 2026 with Space Jam 3, taking the iconic blend of basketball and animated antics to a whole new level—outer space! This time, the stakes are higher as the Tune Squad faces off against a team of intergalactic champions in a game that will decide the fate of not just Earth, but the entire galaxy.
The story follows an all-new NBA superstar (to be announced), who is unexpectedly drawn into the Looney Tunes universe to help Bugs Bunny, Lola Bunny, Daffy Duck, and the rest of the gang after they are challenged by the Cosmic Crushers—a team of advanced alien athletes with mysterious powers. As they train for the ultimate showdown, the new player learns valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Packed with hilarious moments, dazzling animation, and thrilling basketball sequences, Space Jam 3 promises to captivate audiences of all ages. With cutting-edge visual effects and the same Looney Tunes charm fans love, this interstellar adventure is poised to deliver laughs, excitement, and slam dunks like never before.
Mark your calendars for 2026—Space Jam 3 is ready to shoot for the stars!