‘Follow Me’ Sandals: Ancient Greek Prostitutes’ Creative Advertising

‘Follow Me’ Sandals: Ancient Greek Prostitutes’ Creative Advertising

In ancient Greece, prostitutes used a unique and creative way of advertising to attract customers. They wore special sandals with the words “follow me” engraved on the sole. As they walked on the road, these footprints would leave messages on the ground, leading people to follow their footsteps. This was a very subtle and direct form of marketing, without having to say any words but still conveying a clear message.

These sandals were not only advertising tools but also carried a strong cultural imprint, reflecting the ingenuity and sophistication of the ancient Greeks in using surrounding means to achieve their goals. In addition, this method also partly shows the role of women in Greek society at that time, especially those working in the prostitution industry, who had to rely on creative measures to attract attention and make a living.

The method of conveying messages through engraved sandals also suggests the sophistication in the use of visual language in ancient Greek society. They not only used words but also exploited surrounding objects to convey information directly and effectively.

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