Saved from a life among goats: The heartbreaking story of Sasha T, a two-year-old Russian boy forced to sleep, play and survive with animals in a cold, dirty room

Saved from a life among goats: The heartbreaking story of Sasha T, a two-year-old Russian boy forced to sleep, play and survive with animals in a cold, dirty room

Raised by goats: Starving two-year-old Russian boy who was forced to sleep and play with animals is rescued by social services
The malnourished wild child named Sasha T was kept in a room with the animals by his mother Marina, 40
He has not learned how to speak, eat or use a potty
Boy weighs a third less than a typical child of his age

A two year-old boy raised mainly by goats has been taken into care by social workers in Russia.

The malnourished wild child named Sasha T was kept in a room with the animals by his mother Marina, 40, in Rostov region and has not learned how to speak, eat or use a potty.

‘He played and slept together with goats, which lived in the same room,’ said news website.

The malnourished wild child named Sasha T was kept in a room with the animals by his mother Marina, 40, in Rostov region and has not learned how to speak, eat or use a potty.
Wild child: The malnourished two-year-old named Sasha T was kept in a room with the animals by his mother and has not learned how to speak, eat or use a potty

‘When we came in, Sasha’s mother was absent,’ said Irina Bochkova, deputy head of social work in the town of Shakhti.

‘He was sitting in the ice cold room, undressed. Every hour could have become his last.

‘It was incredibly cold, dirty and smelly in that house. We just grabbed him and rushed him to the city hospital.

Disturbing: The boy is reported to have lived in the same room as the goats

‘Doctors said that because of how lived, his brain has not developed properly.’

The ‘Mowgli’ boy weighs a third less than a typical child of his age.

Children’s doctor Natalya Simonina said: ‘He refused to sleep in the cot. He tried to get underneath and sleep there. He was very scared of adults.

‘He tried to break everything he saw – windows, furniture.

‘He could not speak or hold a spoon. He had no idea about what to do with toys, and didn’t even try to play with them.’

Moves have begun to deprive the mother of her maternal rights, making Sasha an orphan.

Sasha is not the first case of a child being raised by animals.

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