The Crown Prince’s Rolls-Royce Phantom Chrome? Maybe. Maybe Not.

So, I recently found myself in Dubai on vacation and, by a strange twist of fate, may or may not have wandered onto the premises of The Palace Hotel. There, I may or may not have laid my eyes on a Rolls-Royce Phantom with a chrome bonnet that glistened like a jewel in the desert sun.

The Enigmatic Rolls-Royce Phantom

This particular Rolls-Royce Phantom, bedecked in chrome, appeared to be a magnificent specimen. Now, it’s unclear whether this striking vehicle belongs to some Prince, Crown Prince, or a royal figure hailing from a country that rhymes with “Body Shmashmabia.” It was a speculative revelation shared with me by a local friend, who may or may not have recognized the distinctive registration plate.

Intriguing Encounters

While gazing at this automotive masterpiece, I may or may not have been approached by my inquisitive UAE friend. He inquired about my interest in the car and how I had managed to access the lot where it was parked. All I could think was, the sign only said “Don’t Touch,” and it didn’t explicitly forbid photography. So, I clicked away, capturing the allure of the vehicle.

Captivating Elegance

The Rolls-Royce Phantom Chrome, with its lustrous exterior, was simply irresistible. Its polished chrome bonnet gleamed under the Middle Eastern sun, and its sheer presence demanded attention. It was a machine that could only be described as a work of art, a masterpiece on wheels. How could one resist taking photos of such a mesmerizing creation?

A Dream Car Unveiled

And that, dear reader, is the tale of what Traveling MarLa may or may not have experienced during a recent sojourn in Dubai. The photographs are, of course, watermarked with Traveling Marla’s signature, alluding to her hypothetical adventures.

As for me, if I were to pick a modern “dream car,” if I could ever afford such an indulgence, or overcome the weight of guilt associated with spending a sum that could transform countless lives, I would choose the Bentley Azure convertible. Its combination of elegance and performance is simply irresistible.

Do you have a dream car?