Each wild aircraft has its own story to tell, a tale of daring escapades and awe-inspiring journeys that span continents and traverse oceans. From the sleek and nimble fighter jets to the majestic and awe-inspiring airliners, every aircraft possesses a unique personality and a sense of purpose that guides its path through the skies.

The baby airplane is about to make its first attempt to leave the nest.

For some, the wondrous life of a wild aircraft begins on the drawing board, where designers and engineers breathe life into their visions of flight. With meticulous attention to detail and unwavering dedication, these creators craft machines that push the boundaries of what is possible, defying gravity and reaching for the stars.

Wild helicopter caught eating

Once airborne, the wild aircraft embarks on a journey of discovery, exploring the far reaches of the atmosphere and beyond. From the bustling cityscapes below to the tranquil beauty of untouched wilderness, each flight offers a new perspective and a fresh opportunity to marvel at the wonders of the world.

Here, we see the baby F-16 cleaning parasites

But the life of a wild aircraft is not without its challenges. From turbulent storms to treacherous winds, each journey is fraught with peril and uncertainty. Yet, it is in these moments of adversity that the true spirit of the wild aircraft shines brightest, as pilots and crew work tirelessly to navigate safely through the skies.

The rarely-witnessed mid-air mating ritual of the wild F-16

For those who are fortunate enough to witness the majesty of a wild aircraft in flight, the experience is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The sight of a sleek fighter jet streaking across the sky or a graceful airliner gliding effortlessly through the clouds is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of humanity to conquer the skies.

Aircraft Crossing


And here we see the endangered DeHavilland undergoing a snow birth. ( A C-124 delivering a ski plane to McMurdo Station, Antarctica )


Once it has made a kill…


Come on baby…

In the end, the wondrous life of a wild aircraft is a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and adventure that lies within us all. As they soar through the heavens, these remarkable machines inspire us to dream big, reach for the stars, and embrace the boundless possibilities that await us in the great unknown.

In taming of wild Sukhoi 24, it takes many vigilant men. The beast is not easily broken due of strong soviet will.


Congratulations Plane


Rarely photographed in the wild: C-5 gives birth to F-18


Conjoined twins


Baby Airplane


Push, push, I can see the head!

There are usually two cubs in a litter. Female White Jets have their first set of cubs between the ages of four and eight. White Jets have one of the slowest reproductive rates of any Jets, with females typically producing five litters in their lifetime.


Something you don’t see every day


Look at him go!


The mile high club – it’s not just for humans…


Love Story


This poor Tushka lost his snoot and now can’t be a fastboi anymore

This poor Tushka lost his snoot and now can’t be a fastboi anymore