Unveiling Vietnam’s Astonishing Rare Red-Shell, Orange-Pulp Jackfruit That Amazes the Community

Jackfruit, with its delicious golden nuggets, has long been a favorite fruit of many people. Everyone knows that young jackfruit is green, and when ripe, it turns yellow and gives off a sweet aroma. But have you ever seen a jackfruit with a red-pink skin and flesh? A video review of just such a unique jackfruit is currently making waves on the internet, sparking curiosity and amazement among netizens.


Posted on YouTube on June 11, the video titled “The Strange Red Jackfruit Tree & The Unique Red Gut in Vietnam – Amazing Red Jackfruit” has already garnered more than 2.4 million views. Surely, when viewers first stumble upon this video, their curiosity is piqued by the prospect of a real red jackfruit.

The clip features a peculiar red-skinned jackfruit and is currently attracting a lot of attention on YouTube. This extraordinary jackfruit was discovered and introduced by a YouTuber based in Cao Lanh city, located in Dong Thap province, Vietnam. In a video lasting over 15 minutes, the man revealed that he received the seeds for this unusual jackfruit from a friend who had traveled to Portugal. He planted these seeds and achieved the astonishing results we see today. He went on to assert that his homegrown jackfruit tree is “unique” in all of Vietnam.

With a sense of pride, the farmer pointed to the unusual jackfruit, emphasizing that its flesh is not only red but also significantly larger and sweeter than regular jackfruit. To substantiate his claims, he took a knife and sliced a ripe fruit, inviting a fellow male YouTuber to join in the tasting experience.


As the jackfruit was sliced in half, it revealed a surprising twist—the interior of the jackfruit was not the usual yellow we are accustomed to seeing but instead displayed a vibrant orange-red hue. While slicing the jackfruit, the man remarked that this particular fruit was not as red as the one he had eaten just last week.

Upon tasting the jackfruit, the male YouTuber’s reaction was one of sheer delight. He described the fruit as sweeter and more fragrant than regular jackfruit. In fact, the uniqueness of this jackfruit was so compelling that the other farmer encouraged him to extract the seeds so that they could be grown, preserving this remarkable plant for future generations.

The discovery of this rare red-skinned, orange-fleshed jackfruit in Vietnam has undoubtedly captured the imagination of people far and wide. While jackfruit is already a beloved tropical fruit in the region, this newfound variation adds a touch of mystery and wonder to the landscape of Vietnamese agriculture.

What makes this particular jackfruit stand out is not only its visually striking appearance but also its tantalizing flavor. The vibrant red-pink shell and rich orange pulp create a visual feast, while the enhanced sweetness and fragrance elevate the taste experience to a whole new level.

As news of this unique jackfruit spreads across the internet, it has sparked discussions and debates among food enthusiasts, botanists, and agricultural experts. Many are left wondering about the scientific explanation behind the red skin and intensely flavored pulp. Is it a result of specific growing conditions, soil composition, or perhaps a genetic anomaly? Researchers are eager to explore these questions and unlock the secrets of this extraordinary fruit.

Furthermore, this discovery has ignited curiosity about the potential health benefits of this red-skinned jackfruit. Could it contain unique nutrients or antioxidants not found in its more common counterparts? As studies and investigations into this newfound variety progress, it could lead to exciting breakthroughs in the world of tropical fruit research.

In a world where biodiversity is increasingly threatened, finding and celebrating unique variations of familiar fruits like jackfruit reminds us of the incredible diversity that exists in nature. This red-shell, orange-pulp jackfruit serves as a testament to the richness of Vietnam’s agricultural heritage and its capacity to surprise and delight us with its natural wonders.

As we continue to marvel at the video of this astonishing jackfruit, one can’t help but feel a sense of wonder and gratitude for the beauty and diversity that our planet has to offer. It’s a reminder that there are still countless mysteries waiting to be unveiled in the world of fruits, vegetables, and plants, and that each discovery brings us closer to understanding the intricate tapestry of life on Earth.